You can specify locale messages and a default locale for Vueless components. Additionally, you can integrate the package with vue-i18n.
Vueless i18n
Vueless supports only the English locale by default. To add additional locales, you can provide them in the createVueless() function under the locale key, using the structure shown below:
import { createVueless, defaultEnLocale } from "vueless";
const vueless = createVueless({
i18n: {
locale: "en", // default locale
fallback: "en", // fallback locale
messages: {
en: { // customize or overwrite default english locale
USelect: { // Vueless component name
listIsEmpty: "List is empty.",
noDataToShow: "No data to show.",
clear: "clear",
addMore: "Add more...",
ua: { // new custom locale
USelect: { // Vueless component name
listIsEmpty: "Список порожній.",
noDataToShow: "Дані відсутні.",
clear: "очистити",
addMore: "Додати ще...",
The full list of locale keys available in Vueless UI can be found in the Default Config chapter of the Vueless UI docs, at the end of each page.
Vue-i18n integration
To integrate the vue-i18n library with Vueless components, use the createVueI18nAdapter() function. This will allow Vueless components to work seamlessly with the vue-i18n package for localization.
import { createVueless, defaultEnLocale, createVueI18nAdapter } from "vueless";
import { createI18n } from "vue-i18n";
const i18n = createI18n({
legacy: false, // legacy mode should be disabled
locale: "ua", // default locale
fallback: "en", // fallback locale
messages: {
en: { // customize or overwrite default english locale
USelect: { // Vueless component name
listIsEmpty: "List is empty.",
noDataToShow: "No data to show.",
clear: "clear",
addMore: "Add more...",
// other project messages
projectMessageOne: "Hello wrold!",
projectMessageTwo: "Brave new world.",
ua: { // new custom locale
USelect: { // Vueless component name
listIsEmpty: "Список порожній.",
noDataToShow: "Дані відсутні.",
clear: "очистити",
addMore: "Додати ще...",
// other project messages
projectMessageOne: "Привіт світ!",
projectMessageTwo: "Прекрасний новий світ.",
const vueless = createVueless({
i18n: {
adapter: createVueI18nAdapter(i18n),
Changing current locale
If you’re using vue-i18n, you can change the current locale using the provided useI18n composable. However, if you want to change the locale withoutvue-i18n, you can use the useLocale composable provided by Vueless. This composable allows you to manage the locale directly within the Vueless library.