Local Storybook docs

For the component documentation Vueless use Storybook.

In some cases you may need to run our Storybook UI Docs locally, so for that reason we created optional and zero config package.

Why you may need to install it:

  • If you going to significantly change the look of the components.

  • If you going to debug your custom stylings in a more easier way.

  • If you going to build and publish your styled docs.


1. Install the package as a dev dependency.

npm install -D @vueless/storybook

2. Run the command to apply Vueless Storybook preset to the project.

npx @vueless/storybook


  • creates .storybook config folder in the root of the project.

  • adds commands into the project package.json to run and build Storybook locally.

  • creates .npmrc config for pnpm only.

If the .storybook folder is exist the package backup it before copying as a .storybook-{timestamp}.

Last updated