
As you may already know the Vueless components are styled with Tailwind CSS. All default component classes which appies to each HTML tag available in Vueless UI docs in Default config chapter (at the end of each page).

You can change the default classes of Vueless components in 3 ways:

  • Globally in vueless.config.js,

  • Locally by component config prop,

  • Locally by component class attribute.

Classes smart merging

Thanks to tailwind-merge, all those configs are smartly merged with the default config. This means you don't have to rewrite everything.

Merging priority

  • Component class attribute (highest priority)

  • Component config prop

  • Global vueless.config.js

  • Component default config (lowest priority)

Merging strategy

You can change a merge behaviour by changing the strategy key in the vueless.config.js or config prop:

  • merge (default) – smartly merge provided custom classes with default config classes.

  • replace – replace default config keys by provided custom keys (override only provided keys, the rest classes will be taken from the default config).

  • override – override default config by provided custom config (keeps only custom config, removes all default classes).

export default {
  strategy: "override", // applies for all components
  component: {
    UButton: {
      strategy: "merge", // applies only for UButton
      button: {
        base: "bg-red-500 w-full",

Custom tailwind classes and merge

If you are going to use custom tailwind classes for styling Vueless components, first you need to add them into tailwindMerge config. See: All list of properties.

export default {
  tailwindMerge: {
    extend: {
      theme: {
        classGroups: {
          "ring-w": [{ ring: ["brand"] }],
          "font-size": [{ text: ["2xs"] }],


For managing classes variants Vueless components use cva (Class Variance Authority) under the hood. For more details you can read related cva docs.

Vueless config

Some examples of changing classes for a Vueless components globally.

export default {
  component: {
    /* simplified way of stiling (base classes) */
    UButton: {
      button: "bg-red-500 w-full",
      text: "px-4 text-lg font-bold"
    /* full way of stiling with variants */
    UCard: {
      wrapper: {
        base: "border-gray-300",
        variants: {
          rounded: {
            sm: "rounded-sm",
            md: "rounded",
            lg: "rounded-md",
          padding: {
            sm: "p-2 md:p-6",
            md: "p-4 md:p-8",
            lg: "p-6 md:p-10",
    /* full way of stiling with compoundVariants */
    ULabel: {
      label: {
        base: "font-bold",
        compoundVariants: [
          { placement: "top", size: "sm", class: "m-0 p-0 text-sm" },
          { placement: "top", size: "md", class: "m-0 p-0 text-base" },
          { placement: "top", size: "lg", class: "m-0 p-0 text-lg" },
    /* setting default props */
    UMoney: {
      defaults: {
        decimalSeparator: ".",
        symbolAlign: "left",
        divided: false,

Config prop

Each component has a config prop that allows to customize everything specifically.

  <UButton :config="{ button: 'max-w-2xl' }">
    <slot />

For example, the default preset of the UEmpty component looks like this:

  wrapper: "flex flex-col items-center w-full bg-center",
  header: "mb-4 flex justify-center",
  footer: "mt-4 flex justify-center",
  title: {
    base: "mb-2 font-medium text-center",
    variants: {
      size: {
        sm: "text-base",
        md: "text-lg",
        lg: "text-xl",
  description: {
    base: "text-center",
    variants: {
      size: {
        sm: "text-sm",
        md: "text-base",
        lg: "text-lg",
  defaults: {
    size: "md",

To change the font weight of the title, you only need to write:

  title="The list is empty"
  :config="{ title: 'font-bold' }" 

This will smartly replace the font-medium by font-bold and prevent any class duplication and any class priority issue.

Class attribute

You can also use the class attribute to add classes to the component.

  <UButton label="Button" class="font-bold" />

In this case classes will be applied to the top level component's HTML tag.

Default values

Some component props like size, color, variant, etc. have a default value that you can override in your vueless.config.js or by the config prop as well.

export default {
  component: {
    UButton: {
      defaults: {
        size: "lg",
        color: "red",
        variant: "secondary"

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